Source code for rdkit_to_params.constraint

from __future__ import annotations

__doc__ = \
This contains ``make_constraint`` which is creates a constraint file.
It is completely independent and different in style because it was different.
It is not integral to the conversion, it's just a utility.

import warnings

from .version import *


from typing import Tuple, List, Union, Optional, Dict
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem

import json

[docs]class Constraints:
[docs] def __init__(self, smiles: Tuple[str, str], names: List[str], ligand_res: Union[str, int], target_res: Union[str, int]): """ Generate the required constraints for a covalent bond as CONN1 does not deal with distance and torsions. Give smiles of the two sides (with ``*``) and the names, residue numbers convert. It requires 2 atoms on each side in addition to the attachment point. Note that the atom names are stored in a non-standard way out of laziness. in the Atom prop '_AtomName'. The instance has the following attributes * ``smiles``: stored input smiles string * ``names``: stored input list of names * ``ligand_res``: stored input ligand residue * ``target_res``: stored input protein residue * ``cov_template``: Chem.Mol from first smiles. * ``target_template``: Chem.Mol from first smiles * ``combo``: combined templates * ``atom_pair_constraint``: AtomPair * ``angle_constraint``: Angle . NB. this is two lines. * ``dihedral_constraint``: dihedral * ``coordinate_constraint``: coordinate (see make_coordinate_constraint methods) * ``custom_constaint``: user added these Class methods: * ``assign_names(mol, list)`` classmethods that assigns names (dodgy '_AtomName') to a mol in place. * ``nominalise(mol)`` propagate the nonstandard names (good for saving sdf) * ``join_by_dummy(molA, molB)`` classmethods that returns a joined molecule >>> Constraints(smiles=('*C(=N)', '*SC'), names= ['*', 'CX', 'NY', '*', 'SG', 'CB'], ligand_res= '1B', target_res='145A') AtomPair SG 145A CX 1B HARMONIC 1.74 0.2 Angle CB 145A SG 145A CX 1B HARMONIC 1.73 0.35 Angle SG 145A CX 1B NY 1B HARMONIC 2.08 0.35 Dihedral CB 145A SG 145A CX 1B NY 1B CIRCULARHARMONIC -3.14 0.35 :param smiles: a tuple/list of two string. The first is the ligand, the second is the peptide. :param names: a list of atom names. The '*' will need a nameĀ -but will be ignored-, but not the H. :param ligand_res: ligand residue in pose or PDB format (12 vs. 12A) :param target_res: peptide residue in pose or PDB format (12 vs. 12A) """ # store inputs self.smiles = smiles self.names = names self.ligand_res = ligand_res self.target_res = target_res # Convert the smiles self.cov_template = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles[0]) self.target_template = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles[1]) # check all is good assert self.cov_template.GetNumAtoms() + self.target_template.GetNumAtoms() == len(names), \ f'{len(names)} were provided but the SMILES have {self.cov_template.GetNumAtoms()}+{self.target_template.GetNumAtoms()} atoms.' # assign names self.assign_names(self.cov_template, self.names[:self.cov_template.GetNumAtoms()]) self.assign_names(self.target_template, self.names[self.cov_template.GetNumAtoms():]) # combine and embed self.combo = self.join_by_dummy(self.cov_template, self.target_template) self._conformer = None # get conn names of covalent peptide residue (target) and covalent ligand self.target_con_name = self.get_conn(self.target_template).GetProp('_AtomName') self.cov_con_name = self.get_conn(self.cov_template).GetProp('_AtomName') # get atom instances of self.combo self.target_con = self.get_atom(self.combo, self.target_con_name) # from combo not target_template self.cov_con = self.get_atom(self.combo, self.cov_con_name) # from combo not cov_template # get second atoms get_neigh = lambda this, other: [neigh for neigh in this.GetNeighbors() if neigh.GetProp('_AtomName') != other.GetProp('_AtomName')][0] self.target_fore = get_neigh(self.target_con, self.cov_con) self.cov_fore = get_neigh(self.cov_con, self.target_con) self.target_fore_name = self.target_fore.GetProp('_AtomName') self.cov_fore_name = self.cov_fore.GetProp('_AtomName') # do maths ## Note: constraint is in Radian not Degree... self.atom_pair_constraint = f'AtomPair {self.target_con_name} {self.target_res} ' + \ f'{self.cov_con_name} {self.ligand_res} ' + \ f'HARMONIC {self.distance:.2f} 0.2\n' self.angle_constraint = f'Angle {self.target_fore_name} {self.target_res} ' + \ f'{self.target_con_name} {self.target_res} ' + \ f'{self.cov_con_name} {self.ligand_res} ' + \ f'HARMONIC {self.angle_target:.2f} 0.35\n' self.angle_constraint += f'Angle {self.target_con_name} {self.target_res} ' + \ f'{self.cov_con_name} {self.ligand_res} ' + \ f' {self.cov_fore_name} {self.ligand_res} ' + \ f'HARMONIC {self.angle_covalent:.2f} 0.35\n' self.dihedral_constraint = f'Dihedral {self.target_fore_name} {self.target_res} ' + \ f'{self.target_con_name} {self.target_res} ' + \ f'{self.cov_con_name} {self.ligand_res} ' + \ f'{self.cov_fore_name} {self.ligand_res} ' + \ f'CIRCULARHARMONIC {self.dihedral:.2f} 0.35\n' self.coordinate_constraint = '' self.custom_constraint = ''
# =================== dependent methods ============================================================================
[docs] def _get_conformer(self, mol): mol = Chem.AddHs(mol, addCoords=bool(mol.GetNumConformers())) AllChem.EmbedMolecule(mol) AllChem.MMFFOptimizeMolecule(mol) return mol.GetConformer()
@property #cached def conformer(self): if self._conformer is None: self._conformer = self._get_conformer(self.combo) return self._conformer @property def distance(self): return Chem.rdMolTransforms.GetBondLength(self.conformer, self.cov_con.GetIdx(), self.target_con.GetIdx()) @property def angle_target(self): return Chem.rdMolTransforms.GetAngleRad(self.conformer, self.target_fore.GetIdx(), self.target_con.GetIdx(), self.cov_con.GetIdx()) @property def angle_covalent(self): return Chem.rdMolTransforms.GetAngleRad(self.conformer, self.target_con.GetIdx(), self.cov_con.GetIdx(), self.cov_fore.GetIdx()) @property def dihedral(self): return Chem.rdMolTransforms.GetDihedralRad(self.conformer, self.target_fore.GetIdx(), self.target_con.GetIdx(), self.cov_con.GetIdx(), self.cov_fore.GetIdx()) def __str__(self): # make constraints = [self.atom_pair_constraint, self.angle_constraint, self.dihedral_constraint, self.custom_constraint] return ''.join(constraints)
[docs] def _repr_html_(self): return str(self)
[docs] def dumps(self): return str(self)
[docs] def dump(self, filename): with open(filename, 'w') as w: w.write(str(self))
[docs] @classmethod def _get_new_index(self, mol: Chem.Mol, index: int) -> int: for atom in mol.GetAtoms(): if atom.GetDoubleProp('_originalIdx') == index: return atom.GetIdx()
[docs] def get_atom(self, mol: Chem.Mol, name: str) -> Chem.Atom: for atom in mol.GetAtoms(): if atom.HasProp('_AtomName') and name == atom.GetProp('_AtomName'): # Nonstandard. do not copy return atom else: raise ValueError(f'Atom {name} not found')
# =================== utilities ====================================================================================
[docs] @classmethod def mock(cls): """ This is an empty instance. :return: """ self = cls.__new__(cls) self.smiles = '' self.names = [] self.ligand_res = 'LIG' self.target_res = 'CYS' self.cov_template = None self.target_template = None self.combo = None self._conformer = None self.target_con_name = '' self.target_con = None self.cov_con_name = '' self.cov_con = None self.target_fore = None self.target_fore_name = '' self.cov_fore = None self.cov_fore_name = '' self.atom_pair_constraint = '' self.angle_constraint = '' self.dihedral_constraint = '' self.coordinate_constraint = '' self.custom_constraint = '' return self
[docs] @classmethod def assign_names(cls, mol: Chem.Mol, names: List[str]) -> None: """ Stores names of atoms as given in the list. totally non-standard way. PDBInfo is correct way. But too much effort. """ for name, atom in zip(names, mol.GetAtoms()): atom.SetProp('_AtomName', name) # Nonstandard. do not copy
[docs] @classmethod def nominalize(cls, mol): """ If the mol has PDBResidueInfo it will fill the nonstandard mol prop _AtomNames and the atom prop _AtomName. If it has mol prop _AtomNames will propagate them down to the atoms and viceversa. But will not fill ``PDBResidueInfo`` because there is too much metadata required. :param mol: :return: """ if mol.GetAtomWithIdx(0).GetPDBResidueInfo() is not None: #has PDB info! names = [] for atom in mol.GetAtoms(): info = atom.GetPDBResidueInfo() if info is not None: n = info.GetName() atom.SetProp('_AtomName', n) names.append(n) else: names.append(None) mol.SetProp('_AtomNames', json.dumps(names)) elif mol.HasProp('_AtomNames'): names = json.loads(mol.GetProp('_AtomNames')) for name, atom in zip(mol.GetAtoms(), names): if name is not None: atom.SetProp('_AtomName', name) else: names = [atom.GetProp('_AtomName') if atom.HasProp('_AtomName') else None for atom in mol.GetAtoms()] if len([n is not None for n in names]) == 0: raise ValueError('No type of Atom naming. Use `Params.load_mol` to fix this!') mol.SetProp('_AtomNames', json.dumps(names))
[docs] @classmethod def nominalise(cls, *args, **kwargs): warnings.warn('The GB spelling has been changed to US', category=DeprecationWarning) return cls.nominalize(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def get_conn(cls, mol: Chem.Mol) -> Chem.Atom: """ Get connecting atom of mol. """ for atom in mol.GetAtoms(): if atom.GetAtomicNum() == 0: # atom.GetSymbol() == '*': return atom.GetNeighbors()[0] else: raise ValueError('Dummy atom not found')
[docs] @classmethod def join_by_dummy(cls, a: Chem.Mol, b: Chem.Mol) -> Chem.Mol: # So I was worried that joining by the connect neighbour and then deleting the dummy # may cause issues of valence. So I did it this more convoluted way. # but did not check first... and this approach leads to sanitisation... for atom in a.GetAtoms(): atom.SetDoubleProp('_originalIdx', atom.GetIdx()) conn = cls.get_conn(a) mod_a = Chem.DeleteSubstructs(a, Chem.MolFromSmiles('*')) i = cls._get_new_index(mod_a, conn.GetIdx()) combo = Chem.ReplaceSubstructs(b, Chem.MolFromSmiles('*'), mod_a, replacementConnectionPoint=i)[0] combo.UpdatePropertyCache() Chem.SanitizeMol(combo) return combo
[docs] @classmethod # /bound method! def make_coordinate_constraints(celf, mol, ligand_res, ref_res, ref_atomname='CA', stdevs: Optional[Dict[Union[str,int], float]] = None) -> Constraints: """ Returns an instance (or the same instance if called as a bound method) with added ``.coordinate_constraint``. If no stdevs are supplied all non dummy atoms have a HARMONIC with std 1. :param mol: :param ligand_res: :param ref_res: :param ref_atomname: :param stdevs: stdev to use for HARMONIC. dictionary with keys either integer (AtomIdx) or str (atomname) :type stdevs: Union[str,int], float]] :return: """ if hasattr(celf, '__class__'): self = celf else: cls = celf self = cls.mock() self.nominalize(mol) lines = [] conf = mol.GetConformer() # issue of 4 char padded names. sstdevs = {k.strip if isinstance(k, str) else k: v for k, v in stdevs.items()} for i, atom in enumerate(mol.GetAtoms()): if atom.GetSymbol() == '*': continue elif sstdevs is not None: n = atom.GetProp('_AtomName').strip() if atom.HasProp('_AtomName') else None if i in sstdevs and sstdevs[i] not in (float('inf'), float('nan'), None): w = sstdevs[i] elif n in sstdevs and sstdevs[n] not in (float('inf'), float('nan'), None): w = sstdevs[n] else: continue else: w = 1 pos = conf.GetAtomPosition(i) lines.append(f'CoordinateConstraint {atom.GetPDBResidueInfo().GetName()} {ligand_res} ' + \ f'{ref_atomname} {ref_res} ' + \ f'{pos.x} {pos.y} {pos.z} HARMONIC 0 {w}\n') self.coordinate_constraint += ''.join(lines) return self
[docs] @classmethod # /bound method! def make_inverse_coordinate_constraints_by_neighbours(cls, mol, ligand_res, unfixed: List[str], ref_res, ref_atomname='CA', ) -> Constraints: """ Given a list of indices constraint their distant neighbours. This is basically for modify those atoms. E.g. given one structure, make a variant. :param mol: :param ligand_res: :param unfixed: :param ref_res: :param ref_atomname: :return: """ def fill(atom, n): for natom in atom.GetNeighbors(): if natom.GetIdx() in stdevs: return None elif natom.GetSymbol() in ('*', 'H'): return None else: stdevs[natom.GetIdx()] = n fill(natom, n/2) return None cls.nominalize(mol) stdevs = {} unfixed = [u.strip() for u in unfixed] for unname in unfixed: a = [atom for atom in mol.GetAtoms() if atom.GetProp('_AtomName').strip() == unname.strip()] if len(a) == 0: raise ValueError(f'{unname} does not exist') elif len(a) > 1: raise ValueError(f'{unname} is present more than once??!') else: unatom = a[0] stdevs[unatom.GetIdx()] = float('inf') fill(unatom, 4) return cls.make_coordinate_constraints(mol, ligand_res, ref_res, ref_atomname, stdevs)
if __name__ == '__main__': c = Constraints(smiles=('*C(=N)', '*SC'), names=['*', 'CX', 'NY', '*', 'SG', 'CB'], ligand_res='1B', target_res='145A') print(c)